
My Nuclear Simulator

When I was a kid, someone had the idea of selling pet rocks. Yes, you could buy a hand-sized rock and to keep as a pet. It didn't need much attention, and it would stay wherever you put it.

In fact, you didn't have to get one from the store. I probably made a pet rock or two. You could give it charm by sticking on some googly eyes and a little yarn.

About twenty years later, a new kind of pet appeared, Tomagochi. This cute little egg-shaped device had a little display for a face and beeped at you when it needed something. If you didn't take care of it or provide enough attention, the thing would suffer and even die from neglect.

Fast-forward another twenty years. Today you can have your own pet nuclear power plant to take care of. In return for treating it well, it will give you lots of electricity and useful heat.

Your nuclear simulator starts out being as easy to run as a rock. Just turn it on, and let does what it needs to. Before long, that will get boring.

However, as you learn about nuclear power, the parts of the simulator open up, giving you a chance to explore and control more of the details. Eventually, you should know enough to understand how a real nuclear reactor works and have a pretty good sense of how to keep it fissioning along.

Early days

To get started, go to the Simulators page. That page shows what is available to try. Create and access your cute little nuclear power plant.

You will need to sign up for an account in order to preserve your settings. Plus, your sim needs a way to contact you when it needs attention. Oh yeah, you're going to love it.

Keep in mind that the software for your nuclear simulator will start to come together a little at a time. Try everything you find, see what it does, and give us feedback about your experience. We will try to produce a steady stream of improvements.

Let's do this.

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